Eywa is Alive and Well


Educational Movies of our research projects:

Recording electrical signals- the basics...making electrodes (Movie)

Electrical recordings in a plant (Movie)

Lima beans - electrical response to leaf cutting (Movie)

Venus flytrap - electrical response when touched (Movie)

Mycelium mediated plant electrophysiological communication (Movie)

Movie for a lab protocol in recordings (Movie MP4) Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/sEdBDbmVQ_s

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The best discussion ever on plant communication. World experts............https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RpwW9Lw2Ku4

Cooper, R.L., Thomas, M., McLetchie, D.N. (2022) Impedance measures for detecting electrical responses during acute injury and exposure of compounds to roots. Methods and Protocols. 5(4):56. https://doi.org/10.3390/mps5040056 [PDF]

Cooper, R.L., Thomas, M., Vascassenno, R.M., Brock, K.E., McLetchie, D.N. (2022) Measuring electrical responses during acute exposure of compounds to roots and rhizoids of plants by using a flow-through system. Methods and Protocols. 5(4): 62. https://www.mdpi.com/2409-9279/5/4/62/htm [PDF]

Research progress on electrical signals in higher plants


Plant enthusiasts:
Matt Thomas

Nicholas McLetchie

web page.

Robin Cooper

web page


Fun stuff:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Shop_of_Horrors_(musical) here is a Trailer

TedTalk on electrical measures of a Venus flytrap

Top secret projects: